Eye Lash Extensions (click here for answers)

EYE LASH EXTENSIONS are hugely popular with anyone who tries them due to the fact that they make you feel special, glamorous and beautiful instantly.

They offer complete freedom from mascara. The downside is that they soon become addictive.     You will be so surprised by this special enjoyable feeling.

Everyone should try this at least once to feel how wonderful it makes you feel.

+ How does the application of eye lash extensions work?

+ How long does the application process take?

+ Is the eye lash process comfortable when applying??

+ How long do semi permanent lashes last?

+ Are there any side effects?

+ Can I have any length that I require?

+ Are there any specific qualifications I should look for when booking eye lash extensions?

+ Can I do my own eye lash extensions i.e. DIY -?

+ Can I still wear make-up?

+ What is the best way to remove your eye lash extensions?

+ Is it safe to wear them constantly?

+ Can I swim, spa or have a facial whilst wearing extensions?

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